Dashboard User Experience for IT Directors

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Large IT departments manage a collection of seemingly disconnected services; when a server goes down the impact can be difficult to track. As a result, service desk tickets increase and people can’t use critical systems. I collaborated with a user researcher to understand how an existing dashboard failed to serve IT Directors during this scenario. My task was to take insights from a research study to reimagine the dashboard experience.

Design Principles

After a vigorous whiteboarding session, I had a massive set of feature concepts that I needed to translate into a design. To narrow down the ideas, I created two design principles that referenced actual user goals. These helped me select the best solutions to present to the client-side product manager.

Design Principles
Desktop and Mobile Features
Used a style guide to create features for desktop and mobile
Feature Concepts
Complex functionality shown on a macro level

Mobile Strategy

IT Directors' context changes, moving from one issue to the next, until they've come to a resolution. The mobile experience (see below) had to complement, not copy, the data-rich and feature-heavy desktop application. IT Directors monitor their infrastructure using their mobile device and "pass on" critical tasks to a larger screen that affords direct data manipulation.

Mobile Notification
Know when to send a notification

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